Powerful Data APIs

Ready-to-use Public Datasets to power your business

Say goodbye to manually looking for business data

csv & api

Funded Startups Dataset

Startups funded from US, UK, India, Europe, Australia, New Zealand & more


Technographic Dataset

100 million domains
10k unique technologies


Firmographic Dataset

30 million companies
95% accuracy

csv & api

Point of Interest Dataset


eCommerce Stores Dataset


Public Companies Financials Dataset

Leverage the power of ready-to-use datasets

Don't waste time wrangling with ever-changing web crawling

Get the best data with a simple, powerful API

High-Quality, Comprehensive Datasets

Access a wide range of quality-controlled datasets from industries like market research, finance

100% Compliant

Our platform ensures full compliance with data protection and privacy laws.

Easy Integration

Easily integrate data with your systems via our API and customizable options.

Global Data Coverage

Explore datasets from around the world for local and international insights.

User-Friendly Platform

Effortlessly find and use data with our intuitive platform.

Frequently asked questions

Our data is updated in real-time, ensuring you have access to the most current information available.

Start using Datasets in minutes

Accurate | Compliant | Available in multiple formats